Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Halloween 2011

We had a lot of fun dressing up as Colonel Sanders and a Pregnant Nun for a Halloween Party with some friends from our ward.

Baby Waving!

Look at those biceps!

Where has the Time Gone?

We are now 24 weeks along! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by, however I hear it gets slower towards the end. We found out a few weeks ago that we are having a GIRL and we are so excited. We like the names Abigail, Emily, and Lilly. We are highly considering Lilly. We have an appointment tomorrow and should have some new fetal face shots to post. My brother and his wife just had their first it is fun to see pictures of their growing family.
About a month ago, Presley and I got called to Primary. We teach the Sunbeams and it is quite the challenge. I think it will be good for Presley though since he hasn't been around children much. I think he secretly enjoys our class, but would never admit it. We had our Primary Program last week and it was fun to see our small children participate.
Presley has just 3 more classes left to finish his RN. We are looking forward to that since I won't be working much when the baby gets here. Presley enjoys his job and always comes home with some crazy stories about the patients that he transports.