On February 11th we took Presley to the Emergency Room for severe abdominal pain. They did a CT scan and ultra sound and what they found was very shocking. Presley had a 10" x 8" fluid filled cyst that took up his whole abdominal cavity! We were glad to have finally figured out what was hurting him so badly. Later we would find out this wasn't the real reason he had been hurting.

We were sent home from the ER and told to contact our family Dr. who would then refer us to a surgeon who could remove his cyst.
We met with the surgeon on Valentines day and were told that his surgery would be February 17th, that Friday. Presley was a trooper. He had to have a tube inserted into his nose to his stomach that would drain his stomach until his bowels started working again. He also had a catheter which they removed too soon and had to put back in while he was awake. When the surgery was over, the Dr came and talked with the family, we were told that his cyst had been filled with lyphatic fluid and they had dug deeper and found a clogged lymphnode which they called a tumor.
The labs had not returned the results yet, so it wasn't for sure, but they supposed it was malignant and that Presley might have to have radiation or chemo therapy to get rid of it. When the lab results came back we were please to find out that Presley did not have cancer and every thing had been successfully removed.
We met with the surgeon on Valentines day and were told that his surgery would be February 17th, that Friday. Presley was a trooper. He had to have a tube inserted into his nose to his stomach that would drain his stomach until his bowels started working again. He also had a catheter which they removed too soon and had to put back in while he was awake. When the surgery was over, the Dr came and talked with the family, we were told that his cyst had been filled with lyphatic fluid and they had dug deeper and found a clogged lymphnode which they called a tumor.

They told us the cyst was so large they had to drain it before they could remove it, so unfortunately we'll never know how much it weighed. However, 8 days after his surgery when we left the hospital Presley had lost 15 lbs!We were glad this was over and after just a few days of being him being home from the hospital his intense stomach pain returned. I still had not had the baby at this point and was already 4 days past my due date. On March 3rd we returned to the ER and they did another ultra sound. They told us his Gall Bladder looked slightly enlarged and that his liver enzymes were through the roof. Instead of being 30-40 they were over 800.
We were very concerned at this point because Presley's mother had liver problems which caused her to pass away from Sepsis. After spending two nights on a cot in the hospital with Presley I attended my OB appointment on March 5th in order to determine when I would be induced. I was told to go to the hospital on March 6th at a totally different hospital. Later that same evening after two separate HIDA scans we found out that Presley had gall stones that were blocking his bile duct and that was the reason his liver was so backed up. They suggested he go home and come back March 9th to have this stone removed and a few weeks after that have his gall bladder removed.
Today is March 6, 2012. Presley came home from the hospital late last night. We are to report at the hospital in four hours from now to be induced. Presley and I are both grateful that he could be there for Lilly's birth. Lilly should come sometime tomorrow.
Be sure to stay tuned as we post our next adventures with labor and delivery...

Today is March 6, 2012. Presley came home from the hospital late last night. We are to report at the hospital in four hours from now to be induced. Presley and I are both grateful that he could be there for Lilly's birth. Lilly should come sometime tomorrow.
Be sure to stay tuned as we post our next adventures with labor and delivery...